My short doc received an award of excellence at the “Best Shorts” Competition 2015.

My short doc received an award of excellence at the “Best Shorts” Competition 2015.
The film poster was created by the highly talented Tiago Vaz.
I love it!
The dates are in!
“Salmo trutta lacustris” will have its World Premiere at the wonderful “International Wildlife Film Festival” in Missoula Montana on Monday April 20th, 7:15pm at the Roxy Theater in Missoula.
Please also check out the great festival schedule!
My latest short documentary of the highly endangered European lake trout and its complex spawning ritual  will have World Premiere at the “International Wildlife Film Festival†this spring (April 18-25th)  in Missoula Montana!
I could not have asked for a better venue for the World Premiere!
For more information please check: the official Film Festival site
For more info in the short doc: Salmo trutta lacustris
I hope to see you in Montana soon.
Here we go, I’ll blog from now on!
They are many new things happening.
Plus I need a proper platform on which I can share all my ideas and thoughts on filmmaking and photography.
So check back regularly if you’re interested!